Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hey Guys!
I finished the script handwritten I just need to type it out and put it on here. Also, I need all of your video footage and pictures. You can just send them here if you want or email me--whichever is fine. Also, I need Italian music sent to me one way or another. I might also do some of the interviews today even if it's just me and Joseph because I got the script done fairly early. Also, in our newscast we're all "expert food critics" so I suggest that you all look very nice for the interview. For example, I'm going to make Joseph wear an ascot and hold a pipe for his.  I think subtle entrainment like that will go a long way for our audience as well as Rozelle and make it more enjoying to watch our video. Remember, we're no longer college students but characters!! So we should have fun with it!!! Also most of the cakes we talked about are $25 so it'd be nice if we could all chip in $6 or $7 for tip and gas. Also, we could ask Ms. Rutherford if it would be okay to use Hill House's cutlery since this is for an honors english project. If not we'll need to get plastic cutlery from Walmart or somewhere. So just remember:
1. You're an expert food critic not a student so have fun and dress up! C:
2. We need Italian music and all footage sent to me.
3. Someone needs to look into using Hill House's cutlery.
4. We all need to pay Hannah at least by Monday afternoon.

*Also, if anyone has any props or anything (i.e. a microphone, newsroom paraphernalia like an American flag, costume stuff like bow-ties or something, anything that can be used) PLEASE LET ME KNOW and gives to me!! C:

--This is also on our Facebook group message.

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